Professional Development Offerings
Expand students’ curiosity, critical thinking, communication skills, and agency
through media and digital literacy! Take part in our online and onsite professional development experiences designed with your unique challenges, interests, and goals in mind.
Take part in our online and onsite professional development experiences designed with your unique challenges, interests, and goals in mind.

Take a Holistic Approach to Digital Literacy Education
We design our trainings to be hands-on, supportive, and rooted in up-to-date best practices that touch upon trending youth interests, media issues, and standardized education requirements. It’s not just about the tech, but rather, sustainable, research-informed solutions that empower teachers and students to continuously grow and excel.


Critical Thinkers
Thoughtful Media
Educational Materials
Empower Teachers to Stay Informed and Creative!
Through immersive learning experiences, educators get to turn theory into fun, informative practice that they feel confident employing in their classrooms with students! This video was made by a teacher reflecting on what she learned through one of our PD programs.
We Integrate Media Literacy Into Your Existing Curriculum
We facilitated a group of K-12 educators' process in implementing Computer Science and Culture standards into the curriculum in the Spring of 2021. These standards reflect on design, accessibility, and the impact of computing (computers are a form of media). There was discussion, coaching, cheering, training, planning, rubric-making and group learning resulting in critical thought, analysis and project-based learning. These educators are teachers leaders in conceptualizing the standards into core content and transforming students into the future!

Reach out to see what professional development offering is best for your school right now.
(505) 303 0940