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Media Literacy Webinars


Explore how to effectively evaluate and leverage media to engage, motivate, and facilitate student learning through our topic-based webinars showcased below. 


Subscribe to our YouTube Channel  to see all webinar replays and other video content.

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Teaching Online with

Media & Technology


About this Webinar:


This webinar provided the best strategies for remote learning with both media & technology. 


We covered a lot of ground to get you prepared for things to consider while teaching online with media and technology, and shared a variety of media literacy skills that you can share with your students to help them analyze and evaluate media messages. We provided tips to make all students online experience personable and engaging.






Digital Citizenship for

Remote & Continuous Learning


About this Webinar:


This webinar defined digital citizenship skills & competencies for remote & continuous learning.


You will learn how to create responsible participation from students as they engage with media and technology from home, and learn tips to consider and apply with your students. We discussed how to encourage digital citizenship while teaching remotely and establish a foundation for building upon.







Foster Research &

Credibility Skills in



About this Webinar:


This webinar highlighted information on helping students conduct effective online research.


You will learn tips to instill in students on how to sift through information, and offer ways to support them in research and evaluation skills. From best practices from librarians and professional fact-checkers, this webinar will guide the research process, providing concise and applicable techniques for making informed choices when navigating the online world. 





Student Centered Learning with Media & Technology: Engaging Student Interests 


About this Webinar:


This webinar engaged in conversation about the role of media and technology in student-centered learning, while discussing the scaffolding of practices needed to implement student-focused learning with media and technology.


You will learn how educators use media and technology to facilitate personalized experiences for students, and the intersection of student interests, media and learning. From understanding the benefits and challenges of student-centered learning, to reviewing examples of how media and technology assists with learning and assessment, this webinar provided a foundation for further discovery.





Building Connections with Media & Culture


About this Webinar:


This webinar explored the use of media and culture to help build connections in the classroom.


You will learn about techniques that will help connect students' to culture in the learning environment. If you are an educator looking for tools and tips for student engagement in a networked world, this webinar is for you. You will learn media literacy techniques to help you connect content and culture. From culturally responsive education practices to examples of how to apply tools & techniques embedded into core subjects, this webinar provided you with the ideas to use in your classroom.






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Watched webinars in this series? Let us know what you think by taking this survey. 






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Articles and Research

Explore written pieces we’ve authored or been featured in that focus on the 

advancement of media education in New Mexico and the US at large.

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Innovative Media Blog
October 15, 2021 

Media Savvy Citizens chats with New Mexico State University's Innovative Media Research & Extension & the Learning Games Lab

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Journal of Media Literacy
BOOK REVIEW Ecomedia Literacy: Integrating Ecology into Media Education

Available to read through a digital format in the Journal of Media Literacy Pre-Prints, a book to help educators merge Ecology into Media Education. 

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Taos News
Tempo pg.31
August 27-September 2, 2020 

Finding balance with technology during remote learning




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Taos News
Back To School
August 1, 2019

Media Savvy Citizens prepares teachers and students for life in the digital age with media and technology.

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The Study of Media Use Habits and Trends: Rural Latinx Media Use Skills and Motivations

A view into the media use trends of a small community in

New Mexico

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New Media Literacy

Transforms Schools

A fresh perspective on the transformative quality of media embedded into classroom content.


Past Events

Listen to past conversations and presentations about media 

education that we’ve hosted or taken part in. 

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